Thursday, November 11, 2004

Just fucking read it.

Over the years I have told many people about the virtues of a book called Ender's game written by Orson Scott Card. Some have taken my advice and read it and agreed with what I had to say but others simply replied "I don't read" What the fuck kind of response is that? You don't read? Is reading a little to high brow for you? Anyways some totally ingored what I had to say, but once someone else mentioned to them that they should read Ender's game, they were all over it like white on rice. So far no one that I have talked to that has read the book has disliked the book and in turn has recommended the book to other people. So have you read it? No? Then what the fuck are you waiting for? I just re-read it for the first time in 10 years and it took me a whole of four and half hours to read, so you can't tell me you don't have the time. You can't say you can't afford it either, your local library has plenty of them in heavy rotation and the paper back costs about 5 or 6 bucks, so get off your fat ass and go read it. Anyways I'm sick of recommending it so this should be the last time. Oh and by the way, Ender's Game is the first book in a four part series of books, the second book in the series is called speaker for the dead, it's a great book as well but is a different story then the first, it still shows how fucked up the human race is although I don't think that was the intention. The third book in the series was medicore and the forth book in the series was fucking horrible, I think a little too much of Card's religion and religous beliefs crept into that one. For me any religion is too much. Card I think got woken up to the fact that he ended the original story and world from the original book a little too quickly and has gone back and released a new(er) trilogy of stories. The first is called Ender's Shadow which is a parallel book to Ender's Game and follows the story of Bean. I'm going to be reading that one tonight so I have no opinion on it at the moment but it should be good if it captures the original spirit of the first. There is also a book after that which I believe is also a parallel book to Ender's game but follows the life of Peter, Ender's brother. So from one book of less then 200 pages that was written close to 27 years ago it has spawned at least 6 other novels. I also hear they are going to be making a hollywood version of Ender's Game, so take my advice and read the fucking book and don't see the movie, it will suck like all hollywood shit does.

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